Universal Laws
I'd be lying if I said I was always optimistic.  I had bad days and good ones, just like any person. My thoughts are clearer now, thanks to the time I spend writing about the Law of Attraction. In order to control our actions in life, we must have a handle on our thoughts and emotions.

Whether we are happy or not, lies heavily on a deciding factor, our actions in life. 

It wasn't easy for me during certain times where I took defeat and just wanted to give up.      I was feeling down during tough days, and often wondered why it had to happen to me.   I realized, I was asking all the wrong questions.      The expression, 'if at first you don't succeed, try and try again', makes a lot of sense here.     It's harder than it seems.       Manifesting change is difficult, but here are some thoughts that you should keep in mind.

Humans are capable of creating in the present time, which is a great thing.      People have the ability to create anything.      Thoughts are like two sparks, and they need to attract, and once that happens, it creates this pure energy.   Thoughts can be very magnetic.     They attract thoughts from people and align them.      Even though, years ago these statements were looked at jokingly, today, they are scientifically proven.   Law of Gravity is real, but so is the Law of Attraction.    Dwelling on everything that went wrong will only bring you more misery. 

Staying positive was very appealing to me, and I thought it was going to be very easy.    Think when using affirmations, because if you are being mindless, they aren't very effective.   It is difficult to change how your subconscious mind works.   Get more chances in your life by changing your belief system.    In order to succeed, you must seek out the opportunities because we don't attract success without taking the action to grab them.   Fate can't do all the work; it’s going to take a little work from you. 

Cause and effect happen all the time in the world.   This rule applies to our thoughts and we sometimes forget this.     If our thoughts are removed from the cause, we might fail to see the effect. 

The subconscious mind operates all day long and it doesn't have an off switch.   Thoughts aren't evaluated or examined by it.   Our conscious mind is fixated on things and it just accepts this.      Be aware that you are attracting problems and solutions by thinking.     Be grateful for your blessings and life will give you more opportunities to enjoy more blessings.  If you want these opportunities to come your way, it’s up to you. 

You can't deny the Law of Attraction, the same way you can't deny the Law of Gravity.     To determine whether the universe laws are in our favor will depend on the conscious and unconscious thoughts we have.    Keep fighting for your goals.     Stay focused.      Success can lead to more and more opportunities.  To reach the path of your desired goal, you must overcome many obstacles.